May 22nd, 2017
On May 22nd, 2017, the SpeechXRays teams of IFIN-HH and SIVECO met at the premises
of The National Physics Library, which is a part of IFIN-HH, to analyze the Minimal
Security Requirements for personal data processing enforced by the Romanian Data
Protection Authority (in Romanian: Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a
Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal) through Order 52/2002. The meeting started
with a general presentation of the ten Minimal Security Requirements, which concern
the appointment of users of personal data, types of access, data collecting, safety
copies, location of computers and access terminals, access files, telecommunication
system, personnel training, computer security, and printing of personal data. The
meeting continued with technical discussions on the compliance of the SpeechXRays
system with these security requirements.